Wagner Writer

I was sitting here writing a completely unrelated post when 2015 began swimming through my head. I’m so focused on everything that needs to be done (and the fact my writing “career” is still so fledgling) that it’s hard for me to take a step back.

But when I did, I heaved a big, “Wow.”

Wow. That’s all I can say about 2015.

Sooooo many things have happened, it feels like 5 years have passed in the last 365 days. It’s been one of the busiest, most eventful years of my life. And I wanted to take just a little time to pause and reflect before getting back to my silly ways.

Most importantly, it’s time to give thanks. And a majority of that thanks goes to you.

I couldn’t have accomplished any of what I did without so many wonderful people in my life. If it weren’t for my friends, family, readers, artists, strippers, etc… I wouldn’t be where I’m at. No way. I’d be cowered in fetal position under my bed.

Sure, I’m a newbie author who’s sold 9 books. And I still have a LOOOOONG way to go. But I want to be grateful right now for the things that *have* happened before I focus back on the things that still *need* to happen.

With that said, I wanted to share with everyone the amazing events of 2015 (and remember, it’s all thanks to you):

(SIDE NOTE: If you’d all play that “Time of Our Lives” song by Green Day in your head as you scroll, that would be great!)

1. I published my first book

Cody with Books

2. I did lots of weird things with said book

Moses with Books
Tribbles Books
Kim Davis Book
Bomb Book

3. I received my first book reviews

Book Reviews

4. I wrote 50 blog posts for Wagner Writer

McDonalds Cody
Box of Books
Scorpion Undies
Scary bugs
Underwear bookmark
Battleship Alabama
Stripper Pig

5. I wrote several guest posts for other bloggers


6. I appeared on my first podcast


7. I spoke at my first writers conference

Writers Conference
Writers Conference

8. I sang a LOT (and met some amazing people)

Sing Wedding
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens
Sing Dickens

In Summary

To wrap things up, I just want to give another thanks to everyone for your support. And I wish you the most joyous of New Years and hope 2016 is wonderful for all.

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